47 Shine In The National Exams
Woo hoo! The 2020 South Sudan National Results for Primary Schools are out. HOPE for Ariang has remained steadfast in supporting Ariang Network of Schools with learning resources, teacher development opportunities, school management efforts, and the development of internal school leadership capacities.
All these efforts are paying off. The number of students graduating each year has doubled in just 10 years with a nearly equal ratio of girls to boys. Our girls continue to do better in all subjects and have been closing the gap in the mean score compared to their counterparts-the boys. This a huge and commendable impact and a clear indicator that a positive change is happening in the remotest villages of South Sudan.

We are proud of the 47 students that enrolled and stayed in school until graduation. And the exciting news is that all of them passed the exams. We congratulate them for staying strong and focused in their quest for knowledge and pursuit for excellence. Both male and female students performed very well and attained good marks. The students put on confidence, determination, and resilience to be able to stay in school and earn this big achievement.
Top Students
Our top male student is John with 410 out of 500 marks while our top female student is Bakhita with 379 out of 500 marks. Both of them have balanced performances in all the subjects. Congratulations John and Bakhita!
Overall Performance
The overall percentage increase in the mean score is 3.80% compared to 2019. The girls had a percentage increase of 0.54% while the boys had a percentage increase of 7.50% in the mean score by gender.
We witnessed a commendable improvement in Math and Social Studies but a slight decrease in English. Learning has resumed across South Sudan and our students will have the opportunity to meet, participate in debates, and English speaking competitions. These skills will help them learn more vocabularies as well as perfect their tenses and grammar.
How Can You Support?

Offer a helping hand and support these kids to build a stronger future for themselves and their families. Every $10 donated supports 1 kid with full-year school supplies.
If you would like to send a check:
HOPE for Ariang Foundation
P.O. Box 569
Syracuse, NY, 13214
Here is a quick PayPal Checkout Option or just click the button below. Create a lasting impact in the lives of the kids of remote villages of South Sudan.
Our Resolve To Unite Ariang Network of Schools

We were worried the performance would fall because of the long Covid break that interrupted learning across South Sudan for 14 months. We are happy to see the students worked hard while they were at home.
Long school vacations pose a set of challenges to our female students and we couldn’t be happier to see them resume learning and pass the exams exceptionally well.
Our goal to consolidate efforts and ensure that the leaderships of all our three schools work towards a common goal is paying off. We would like to express our gratitude to the students, teachers, and our education director for pulling together in the right direction despite the many barriers that stood in the way in 2020.
To Our Supporters
Thank you for making education more accessible in the villages of South Sudan. This achievement is your dollar at work! Thank you for choosing HOPE and continue supporting us to make this world a better place for everybody.