Nyieth Primary School

Nyieth Primary School has a student population of over 650 students. This school has a few permanent structures used as staff rooms and for upper grades. One class is conducted in a church hall nearby while another is done under a tree in the school compound.


Upon completing grade 6, a student must transfer to another school that has grades 7 and 8. The nearest school is Ariang Primary School. To be able to accommodate the ever-growing number of students that are transferring from other schools, The Ariang Network of Schools’ feeder program has to keep reinventing itself and constantly seek resources to be able to keep up with the ever-increasing demands. 


HOPE for Ariang, through the ANS program, has been supporting this school with books, pens, sports equipment, school administration tools, and capacity building training for teachers so that they are able to run school operations effectively.


Nyieth School has 1 hand-pump borehole nearby and relatively adequate bathrooms for both teachers and students. Water has a direct connection with girls’ education: Without boreholes, many girls wouldn’t come to school. With the borehole near the school, girls carry water containers when they come to school in the morning and fill them with water when they go back home.

HOPE for Ariang, through the ANS program, has been supporting this school with books, pens, sports equipment, school administration tools, and capacity building training for teachers so that they are able to run school operations effectively. 

Learning Conditions

There are unfavorable learning conditions in this school: classes are overcrowded, seats are not enough for everyone, and students are forced to squeeze to fit, some students sit on the bare floor, the floor is sandy because it was never finished, while other students sit under a tree where deal with the weather elements(hot breezes, wind, and sand storms). Other classrooms are in need of a major ‘facelift’: painting, cementing, and blackboard repairs.

Ariang Network of Schools’ Longterm Goals for Nyieth Primary School

ANS will continue supporting Nyieth Primary School with school supplies as a baseline for the support. Additionally, ANS is looking forward to filling the following objectives in the longterm:

  • School governance and leadership development

    This will include expanding the capacity of the school administration to be able to perform their leadership and governance roles effectively and smoothly. There is a great need for Nyieth school leaders to be able to develop strategies and implement them.

  • Teacher training

    This will include enrolling Nyieth Primary School teachers in HOPE for Ariang’s EDUCATORS EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM and continue developing teachers’ capacity to effectively manage students, classrooms, design lesson plans, explain concepts, and peer-to-peer professional reviews. 

  • Infrastructure upgrade

    With sufficient funding, HOPE for Ariang hopes to help upgrade the educational infrastructures as follows:

    Build grades 7 and 8 so that many kids from the area are able to complete primary school without having to transfer to other schools.

    Increase the number of bathroom units to meet the increasing demand.

    Classrooms upgrade: most of the classrooms have very dusty floors and need cementing while blackboards need repair. 

    Build a school library so that textbooks and learning materials have safe storage space. This would greatly decrease the wear and tear of these resources which are usually scarce across many schools in South Sudan.