Coronavirus Preparedness Education in South Sudan
Reaching 10,000 People

You will see in this photo taken at an open-air market that people are still interacting normally, oblivious of the lurking danger of the pandemic COVID-19. This is why it is important for us to train them on preventative measures of the disease.
The community of Ariang lives in a very remote area where accessing urgent information is really difficult. The area has very limited telecommunication and Internet infrastructure which makes it difficult for people to stay informed on what is happening globally. HOPE for Ariang Foundation has developed a plan to educate Ariang residents about the Novel Coronavirus Disease, myths around the disease, and ways of protecting the community and each individual member from contracting and spreading the virus. HFA has developed a full course, created training materials, and collected the necessary resources to educate the community. The team has laid down all groundwork, including notifying the local administration.
Project Mission, Goals and Objectives

Reach up to 10,000 individuals in Ariang communities.
Utilize our teaching staff, student leaders and SEP scholars to conduct hundreds of focus group training sessions all around the six villages of Ayien County. The maximum size of each focus group will be 10 participants at ago. This will ensure the team observes the social distancing procedures as well as trains all participants effectively.
Distribute COVID-19 preparedness posters in all public places and care packages, and learning materials to participants.
Set up handwashing stations in and around the community boreholes, river crossing points, and market places.
Provide emergency food aid to the most vulnerable in the community (the elderly, disadvantaged, widows, and young children.
Please help us reach our goal of $5,000 to fund this much-needed training project
More Photos Showing the Level of Unpreparedness In Ariang